THE OLD WORLD update 1.0.26

The last last update for Disc 0 is out! I wasn't planning on updating d0 anymore until d1 was released, but there was too many new features and quality-of-life changes not to. I added:

- A brand new opening sequence that's better fitting to the rest of the game. it ties better to the lore, is less disorienting, and teaches you some baby point-&-click mechanics right off the bat.

-Drifted Tooltip fix for those playing on larger monitors, or those who window the game. An option is available in the menu and immediately upon the start of a new game to say "I am not playing in fullscreen 1920x1080" which'll move the tooltip displays to the upper left corner of the screen, below the notifications area. :3

-Cut off voices, balanced tracks, and audio testing. Opening the menu now cuts off any speaker's voice immediately. you can also test voice volume and effect volume in the menu without closing it out c:

-Autoplay features! there is now a hotkey (A) to turn on and off autoplay text, as well as a displayable icon on the right side of the screen to let you know it's turned on. clicking will cause it to turn off automatically so you don't accidentally skip anything :D

-Lastly, clicking certain items that are already equipped (such as a certain set of photos) will show you them in detail! :>

Enjoy, my lovely tcup sippers

Love, Pukes-a-lot


Throwup Club ( 1.0.26 ) - OUTDATED
Apr 11, 2024

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oh, and D1 is still being worked on! I'm having to juggle health issues and moving to my new bubble house so its a little hectic but a lot is still getting done, i promise!