Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year everyone; I hope you had a great night!

This year, I'm going to push to having the full first game out - The Wrong Side !

The Yuck :

Also, there has been some changes regarding the Steam release.
Throwup Club will still be available here for $5 one time, with each new disc update, but it will NOT be available on Steam until full release, due to rules around Early Access games requiring community input and needing to lack clear plans, and how unappealing I think it would be for the game to be broken into individual free DLCs for every disc release on the Steam page. I'd rather not have the game spread out into a gazillion store pages like Poppy Playtime or Garden of Banban, though I do understand why those games do it now. There's also rules regarding pricing and sales on Steam vs other websites, so the game will stay $5 here until the day of it's full release, in which case it will be available both here, and on Steam, at a higher price $7 to $10. I have gotten many requests for translations, so after the game's full release comes out, if sales do well, I'll look into getting it translated to several other languages. And if it does REALLY well, I'll even start looking into the possibility of voice acting! So make sure to plug the yuck outta the game!

The Yum :

Disc 1 progress on the artpass is going super well! Despite there being a lot on the BG artist's plate, we decided not to rush anything to make sure every scene and area is given the proper attention to detail it deserves. This disc has taken a lot more effort in that way, since Sterlie is essentially being redesigned and fully 3D modelled to match its correct and unique architecture, in addition to us making sure it does justice to its story importance and in-game descriptions. In the meantime, I have begun work on not only the fine details of many future discs, but also overhauled many synapses within D1 with new dialog choices, expanded options, new interactables, and lines that have been even finer-tuned to service reveals later down the line! Lastly, all major character sprites are done, so make sure to say hello to every coworker when you go in for the promotion tomorrow!

Lookie at these 3D models done by @lolratz! Supedra!
You can also check out my X profile for some more, as well as character sketches for the new sprites! I won't be spoiling the full art of any scenes or characters, but you can have a peek at the in-progress stages <3

Get Ad Nauseam - The Wrong Side

Buy Now$5.00 USD or more


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Bless your hearts! D0 remake was awesomeazing, definitely take your times to remake this and make the new discs. The writing on this disc being reworked intrigues me... definitely can't wait to chew on all of what that entails (especially since the D1 premake already made me theorize quite a bit). Also, the WIPs are interesting... I should've known Sterlie would be pretty green, but now I see it and I'm paying attention and like "woah, sterlie's green" 


The artists and I are treating the re-releases as if they were brand new discs, trying our best to avoid any corner-cutting, and really giving each piece the attention it deserves! It's going to be a huge step up! Also, I've been working hard on the fine details of future discs, so I've been able to include even more specific wording for some dialogue in d1. You'll have a ton of new stuff to theorize about :D

And yeah, it's SUPER green! Thankies 4 ur support c:


Love it!!! I'd rather it take a little longer (for quality) than the development be rushed, so I'll be waiting patiently :D


gonna make sure it's the best it can be! o7 :3

Why does it feel like G.L.A.D.o.S is waiting in the lurch somewhere?


lol the image got squashed oops!


fixed it c: