Known Bugs

I'm currently aware of a couple major bugs. I think they're an issue with Renpy, but I'm looking into them as much as I can anyway.

Most people won't encounter these bugs as they seem to only really show up if you click-spam through scene transitions and text, but the tooltip bug could happen to anyone for seemingly no reason.

1 - Tooltips floating far away from where they should be. This bug can rarely happen, but more often just doesn't show up. It's never happened before while I'm editing the game, only on a built version- and because I can't recreate the issue, it's hard to fix. I recommend reloading the game if you have this issue. I'll be reworking the UI in the future and tooltips in the hope it'll just stop. This bug can show up even as soon as you start a new game at the difficulty screen. I have no idea why it does that, or why it only rarely happens despite the code not being different between a save with the issue and one without the issue. I'm like 90% sure it's a Renpy issue but I'll find a workaround anyway.

2 - Point & Click 'screens' not disappearing when changing locations. This only seems to happen if you click through texts and scenes rapidly while also pulling up and/or closing menus while doing so. For some reason doing that breaks Renpy. I'll be implementing far more screen hides in the code so in case this issue appears, it'll disappear as quickly as it shows up.

3 - Vanishing Mouse : this happens if you click on and off of throwup club, and skip through text and scene transitions lot. when clicking back on the game, the mouse will disappear. usually goes in hand with the bug above.

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